We have been living in Monda now since 2007 and ever since we moved in we have both wanted chickens but you know what it is like when you move house, cash is tight, problems arise that must be fixed, mortgage has to be paid, business has to continue and the list keeps getting larger! Chickens just had to wait so we could afford the cash to have the coop build along with their house and me being me I wanted a nice house, not some crappy expensive box you buy in the shop, so we had our friend, who is an expert carpenter, build the coop and the house.
The whole project has taken 2 weeks, however, this is not all day, every day, but they do take some planning. We have had a lot of rain during these weeks so we have also had many "rain days" which stops work outside.
Needless to say the result is perfect, just what we wanted and also great for me. I have Scoliosis, which is a curvature of the spine. I had surgery 21 years ago but I still have problems with my lumbar spine so bending down to get into a chicken coop was always going to present me with issues, this is the reason we needed a coop so large to accommodate the height I needed it to be so I didn´t have to bend down to enter the chicken's coop. The house itself was also bespokely designed by my friend, Mark Murray, who took into consideration my Scoliosis, which is why the back of the chicken house is easily accessible for me. There are 3 back panels which easily come out so I can reach inside to clean the house and collect eggs - ingenious!
We have no idea what to do with chickens but we are slowly learning, and as each day goes by we will learn more. We did little research into which chickens we should buy and what their requirements are, we are looking forward to learning from our mistakes (providing they are not bad ones!), the house is secure and safe, we know what we should not feed them and also what treats they like.
We believe our chickens to be Catalana Hens and a Booted Bantam, but we may be informed otherwise in the not too distant future by a Spanish neighbour! LOL
Join our Gardening Forum and discuss your chickens with us and offer any tips you might have
I will now explain what we did, step by step to achieve our work of art for a chicken coop :)

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5

Step 6

Step 7
Buying Chickens: The real exciting bit comes now but be prepared for the experience in Spain as you get your chickens in a bag, all in together! Being an animal lover I hated that, I know it is OK and they were and are fine but I would have preferred them in a cat box so if I go again I will take my own with me.
What You Will Need
Chicken Wire
Wood Stain
Corrugated Iron
U Nails
Feeders for water and food
Latches and hinges
10 of 240x4.5x4.5
2 of Plywood
20 of 2.50x4.5
Total: €196.00
Wood Stain
3 Tins of Stain (Pine)
Total: €40.80
Chicken Wire
2 metres of chicken wire
Total: €37.50
Latches, Hinges, Screws €20 depending on what you choose of course
Chickens and Feeders
1 Booted Bantam
3 Catalana Hens
1 Feeder
1 Water Feeder
Chicken Food 40KG
Bail of shavings
Total: €83.50
Chickens also require perches for sleeping at night inside their houses so we used bits of wood that we have kicking around the land. We made one for their house and one for their coop as some fun for them. We are also planning on hanging CDs off this perch along with some balls for entertainment but we will share that when we have done it!
I have placed some images below of the chickens and other images I wanted to share